UKE - Scientist - Björn Busse (2025)


Sex-Specific Association Patterns of Bone Microstructure and Lower Leg Arterial Calcification
Bartosik M, Simon A, Busse B, Barvencik F, Amling M, Oheim R, von Brackel F
CALCIFIED TISSUE INT. 2024;115(5):636-647.

Lower microhardness along with less heterogeneous mineralization in the femoral neck of individuals with type 2 diabetes mellitus indicates higher fracture risk
Cirovic A, Schmidt F, Vujacic M, Sihota P, Petrovic B, Zivkovic V, Bascarevic Z, Nikolic S, Djonic D, Djuric M, Busse B, Milovanovic P
JBMR PLUS. 2024;8(3):ziae005.

Alterations in compositional and cellular properties of the subchondral bone are linked to cartilage degeneration in hip osteoarthritis
Delsmann J, Eissele J, Simon A, Alimy A, von Kroge S, Mushumba H, Püschel K, Busse B, Ries C, Amling M, Beil F, Rolvien T
OSTEOARTHR CARTILAGE. 2024;32(5):535-547.

Eagle syndrome: tissue characteristics and structure of the styloid process
de Ruiter R, Treurniet S, Bravenboer N, Busse B, Hendrickx J, Jansen J, Dubois L, Schreuder W, Micha D, Teunissen B, Raijmakers P, Eekhoff E, von Brackel F
JBMR PLUS. 2024;8(10):ziae115.

High-fiber diet reduces bone formation but does not affect bone microarchitecture in type 2 diabetes individuals
Faraj M, Leanza G, Krug J, Cannata F, Viola V, Zampogna B, Russo F, Banfi G, Lombardi G, Vadalà G, Mangiavini L, Papalia R, Denaro V, Busse B, Napoli N
JBMR PLUS. 2024;8(10):ziae111.

A perspective on muscle phenotyping in musculoskeletal research
Foessl I, Ackert-Bicknell C, Kague E, Laskou F, Jakob F, Karasik D, Obermayer-Pietsch B, Alonso N, Bjørnerem Å, Brandi M, Busse B, Calado Â, Cebi A, Christou M, Curran K, Hald J, Semeraro M, Douni E, Duncan E, Duran I, Formosa M, Gabet Y, Ghatan S, Gkitakou A, Hassler E, Högler W, Heino T, Hendrickx G, Khashayar P, Kiel D, Koromani F, Langdahl B, Lopes P, Mäkitie O, Maurizi A, Medina-Gomez C, Ntzani E, Ohlsson C, Prijatelj V, Rabionet R, Reppe S, Rivadeneira F, Roshchupkin G, Sharma N, Søe K, Styrkarsdottir U, Szulc P, Teti A, Tobias J, Valjevac A, van de Peppel J, van der Eerden B, van Rietbergen B, Zekic T, Zillikens M
TRENDS ENDOCRIN MET. 2024;35(6):478-489.

Standardization of bone morphometry and mineral density assessments in zebrafish and other small laboratory fishes using x-ray radiography and micro-computed tomography
Kague E, Kwon R, Busse B, Witten P, Karasik D
J BONE MINER RES. 2024;39(12):1695-1710.

Fracture characteristics of human cortical bone influenced by the duration of in vitro glycation
Lin M, Sihota P, Dragoun Kolibová S, Fiedler I, Krug J, Wölfel E, Moritz M, Riedner M, Ondruschka B, Citak M, Klebig F, von Brackel F, Qwamizadeh M, Jähn-Rickert K, Busse B
JBMR PLUS. 2024.

Bone quality analysis of the mandible in alcoholic liver cirrhosis: Anatomical, microstructural, and microhardness evaluation
Rodic T, Wölfel E, Fiedler I, Cvetkovic D, Jähn-Rickert K, Sopta J, Nikolic S, Zivkovic V, Busse B, Djuric M, Milovanovic P
BONE. 2024 [Epub ahead of print];192:117378.

Multi-scale inferomedial femoral neck bone quality in type 2 diabetes patients with fragility fracture
Sihota P, Kumar S, Dhaliwal R, Uniyal P, Yadav R, Dhiman V, Neradi D, Karn S, Sapara M, Sharma S, Aggarwal S, Goni V, Mehandia V, Busse B, Vashishth D, Bhadada S, Kumar N
BONE. 2024 [Epub ahead of print];192:117375.

2D vs. 3D Evaluation of Osteocyte Lacunae - Methodological Approaches, Recommended Parameters, and Challenges: A Narrative Review by the European Calcified Tissue Society (ECTS)
Vom Scheidt A, Krug J, Goggin P, Bakker A, Busse B
CURR OSTEOPOROS REP. 2024;22(4):396-415.

Osteomodulin deficiency in mice causes a specific reduction of transversal cortical bone size
Zhao W, von Kroge S, Jadzic J, Milovanovic P, Sihota P, Luther J, Brylka L, von Brackel F, Bockamp E, Busse B, Amling M, Schinke T, Yorgan T
J BONE MINER RES. 2024;39(7):1025-1041.


On the fracture behavior of cortical bone microstructure: The effects of morphology and material characteristics of bone structural components
Allahyari P, Silani M, Yaghoubi V, Milovanovic P, Schmidt F, Busse B, Qwamizadeh M

Osteocyte apoptosis and cellular micropetrosis signify skeletal aging in type 1 diabetes
Dragoun Kolibová S, Wölfel E, Hemmatian H, Milovanovic P, Mushumba H, Wulff B, Neidhardt M, Püschel K, Failla A, Vlug A, Schlaefer A, Ondruschka B, Amling M, Hofbauer L, Rauner M, Busse B, Jähn-Rickert K
ACTA BIOMATER. 2023;162:254-265.

Utility and Limitations of TALLYHO/JngJ as a Model for Type 2 Diabetes-Induced Bone Disease
Emini L, Salbach-Hirsch J, Krug J, Jähn-Rickert K, Busse B, Rauner M, Hofbauer L
JBMR PLUS. 2023;7(12):.

Cortical microarchitecture and remodeling-associated gene expression related to oral cancer prognosis
Lopes D, Patricio É, Assis N, Coutinho-Camillo C, Alves F, Kowalski L, Jähn-Rickert K, Busse B, Rabelo G
BRAZ ORAL RES. 2023;37:.

Keratinocyte-derived S100A9 modulates neutrophil infiltration and affects psoriasis-like skin and joint disease
Mellor L, Gago-Lopez N, Bakiri L, Schmidt F, Busse B, Rauber S, Jimenez M, Megías D, Oterino-Soto S, Sanchez-Prieto R, Grivennikov S, Pu X, Oxford J, Ramming A, Schett G, Wagner E
ANN RHEUM DIS. 2023;81(10):1400-1408.

Micropetrosis: Osteocyte Lacunar Mineralization in Aging and Disease
Milovanovic P, Busse B
CURR OSTEOPOROS REP. 2023;21(6):750-757.

Why animal experiments are still indispensable in bone research: A statement by the European Calcified Tissue Society
Stein M, Elefteriou F, Busse B, Fiedler I, Kwon R, Farell E, Ahmad M, Ignatius A, Grover L, Geris L, Tuckermann J
J BONE MINER RES. 2023;38(8):1045-1061.

Zebrafish Tric-b is required for skeletal development and bone cells differentiation
Tonelli F, Leoni L, Daponte V, Gioia R, Cotti S, Fiedler I, Larianova D, Willaert A, Coucke P, Villani S, Busse B, Besio R, Rossi A, Witten P, Forlino A

When Cortical Bone Matrix Properties Are Indiscernible between Elderly Men with and without Type 2 Diabetes, Fracture Resistance Follows Suit
Wölfel E, Bartsch B, Koldehoff J, Fiedler I, Dragoun-Kolibova S, Schmidt F, Krug J, Lin M, Püschel K, Ondruschka B, Zimmermann E, Jelitto H, Schneider G, Gludovatz B, Busse B
JBMR PLUS. 2023;7(12):e10839.

Reduced Bone Mass and Increased Osteocyte Tartrate-Resistant Acid Phosphatase (TRAP) Activity, But Not Low Mineralized Matrix Around Osteocyte Lacunae, Are Restored After Recovery From Exogenous Hyperthyroidism in Male Mice
Wölfel E, Lademann F, Hemmatian H, Blouin S, Messmer P, Hofbauer L, Busse B, Rauner M, Jähn-Rickert K, Tsourdi E
J BONE MINER RES. 2023;38(1):131-143.

Effects of Infantile Hypophosphatasia on Human Dental Tissue
Wölfel E, von Kroge S, Matthies L, Köhne T, Petz K, Beikler T, Schmid-Herrmann C, Kahl-Nieke B, Tsiakas K, Santer R, Muschol N, Herrmann J, Busse B, Amling M, Rolvien T, Jandl N, Barvencik F
CALCIFIED TISSUE INT. 2023;112(3):308-319.


Spine Metastases in Immunocompromised Mice after Intracardiac Injection of MDA-MB-231-SCP2 Breast Cancer Cells
Brylka L, Jähn-Rickert K, Baranowsky A, Neven M, Horn M, Yorgan T, Wikman H, Werner S, Lübke A, Amling M, Busse B, Pantel K, Schinke T
CANCERS. 2022;14(3):.

Bone fragility in diabetes: novel concepts and clinical implications
Hofbauer L, Busse B, Eastell R, Ferrari S, Frost M, Müller R, Burden A, Rivadeneira F, Napoli N, Rauner M
LANCET DIABETES ENDO. 2022;10(3):207-220.

Micropetrosis – Occlusion of Osteocyte Lacunae
Kolibová S, Busse B, Jähn-Rickert K
OSTEOLOGIE. 2022;31(04):280-288.

Selective Inner Hair Cell Loss in a Neonate Harbor Seal (Phoca vitulina)
Morell M, Rojas L, Haulena M, Busse B, Siebert U, Shadwick R, Raverty S
ANIMALS-BASEL. 2022;12(2):.

Orthogonally-polarized excitation for improved two-photon and second-harmonic-generation microscopy, applied to neurotransmitter imaging with GPCR-based sensors
Pulin M, Stockhausen K, Masseck O, Kubitschke M, Busse B, Wiegert J, Oertner T
BIOMED OPT EXPRESS. 2022;13(2):777-790.

A finite element study on femoral locking compression plate design using genetic optimization method
Rostamian R, Silani M, Ziaei-Rad S, Busse B, Qwamizadeh M, Rabczuk T

Antibacterial properties of functionalized silk fibroin and sericin membranes for wound healing applications in oral and maxillofacial surgery
Schäfer S, Smeets R, Köpf M, Drinic A, Kopp A, Kröger N, Hartjen P, Assaf A, Aavani F, Beikler T, Peters U, Fiedler I, Busse B, Stürmer E, Vollkommer T, Gosau M, Fuest S
BIOMATER ADV. 2022;135:.

Influence of X-rays and gamma-rays on the mechanical performance of human bone factoring out intraindividual bone structure and composition indices
Schmidt F, Hahn M, Stockhausen K, Rolvien T, Schmidt C, Knopp T, Schulze C, Püschel K, Amling M, Busse B
MATER TODAY BIO. 2022;13:.

Impact of test environment on the fracture resistance of cortical bone
Shin M, Zhang M, Vom Scheidt A, Pelletier M, Walsh W, Martens P, Kruzic J, Busse B, Gludovatz B
J MECH BEHAV BIOMED. 2022;129:105155.

Impaired bone quality in the superolateral femoral neck occurs independent of hip geometry and bone mineral density
von Kroge S, Stürznickel J, Bechler U, Stockhausen K, Eissele J, Hubert J, Amling M, Beil F, Busse B, Rolvien T
ACTA BIOMATER. 2022;141:233-243.

wnt16 regulates spine and muscle morphogenesis through parallel signals from notochord and dermomyotome
Watson C, Tang W, Rojas M, Fiedler I, Morfin Montes de Oca E, Cronrath A, Callies L, Swearer A, Ahmed A, Sethuraman V, Addish S, Farr G, Gómez A, Rai J, Monstad-Rios A, Gardiner E, Karasik D, Maves L, Busse B, Hsu Y, Kwon R
PLOS GENET. 2022;18(11):.

Human tibial cortical bone with high porosity in type 2 diabetes mellitus is accompanied by distinctive bone material properties
Wölfel E, Fiedler I, Kolibova S, Krug J, Lin M, Yazigi B, Siebels A, Mushumba H, Wulff B, Ondruschka B, Püschel K, Glüer C, Jähn-Rickert K, Busse B
BONE. 2022;165:.

Dimorphic mechanisms of fragility in diabetes mellitus - the role of reduced collagen fibril deformation
Wölfel E, Schmidt F, Vom Scheidt A, Siebels A, Wulff B, Mushumba H, Ondruschka B, Püschel K, Scheijen J, Schalkwijk C, Vettorazzi E, Jähn-Rickert K, Gludovatz B, Schaible E, Amling M, Rauner M, Hofbauer L, Zimmermann E, Busse B
J BONE MINER RES. 2022;37(11):2259-2276.

Catalysis-independent ENPP1 protein signaling regulates mammalian bone mass
Zimmerman K, Li X, von Kroge S, Stabach P, Lester E, Chu E, Srivastava S, Somerman M, Tommasini S, Busse B, Schinke T, Carpenter T, Oheim R, Braddock D
J BONE MINER RES. 2022;37(9):1733-1749.


Skeletal Biology and Disease Modeling in Zebrafish
Dietrich K, Fiedler I, Kurzyukova A, López-Delgado A, McGowan L, Geurtzen K, Hammond C, Busse B, Knopf F
J BONE MINER RES. 2021;36(3):436-458.

Response of the ENPP1-deficient skeletal phenotype to oral phosphate supplementation and/or enzyme replacement therapy: Comparative studies in Humans and Mice
Ferreira C, Kavanagh D, Oheim R, Zimmerman K, Stürznickel J, Li X, Stabach P, Rettig R, Calderone L, MacKichan C, Wang A, Hutchinson H, Nelson T, Tommassini S, von Kroge S, Fiedler I, Lester E, Moeckel G, Busse B, Schinke T, Carpenter T, Levine M, Horwowitz M, Braddock D
J BONE MINER RES. 2021;36(5):942-955.

Bone Phenotyping Approaches in Human, Mice and Zebrafish - Expert Overview of the EU Cost Action GEMSTONE ("GEnomics of MusculoSkeletal traits TranslatiOnal NEtwork")
Foessl I, Bassett J, Bjørnerem Å, Busse B, Calado Â, Chavassieux P, Christou M, Douni E, Fiedler I, Fonseca J, Hassler E, Högler W, Kague E, Karasik D, Khashayar P, Langdahl B, Leitch V, Lopes P, Markozannes G, McGuigan F, Medina-Gomez C, Ntzani E, Oei L, Ohlsson C, Szulc P, Tobias J, Trajanoska K, Tuzun Ş, Valjevac A, van Rietbergen B, Williams G, Zekic T, Rivadeneira F, Obermayer-Pietsch B

Reorganization of the osteocyte lacuno-canalicular network characteristics in tumor sites of an immunocompetent murine model of osteotropic cancers
Hemmatian H, Conrad S, Furesi G, Mletzko K, Krug J, Failla A, Kuhlmann J, Rauner M, Busse B, Jähn-Rickert K
BONE. 2021;152:.

Temporomandibular Joint Osteoarthritis: Regenerative Treatment by a Stem Cell Containing Advanced Therapy Medicinal Product (ATMP)-An In Vivo Animal Trial
Köhnke R, Ahlers M, Birkelbach M, Ewald F, Krueger M, Fiedler I, Busse B, Heiland M, Vollkommer T, Gosau M, Smeets R, Rutkowski R
INT J MOL SCI. 2021;22(1):.

Perspective of the GEMSTONE Consortium on Current and Future Approaches to Functional Validation for Skeletal Genetic Disease Using Cellular, Molecular and Animal-Modeling Techniques
Rauner M, Foessl I, Formosa M, Kague E, Prijatelj V, Lopez N, Banerjee B, Bergen D, Busse B, Calado Â, Douni E, Gabet Y, Giralt N, Grinberg D, Lovsin N, Solan X, Ostanek B, Pavlos N, Rivadeneira F, Soldatovic I, van de Peppel J, van der Eerden B, van Hul W, Balcells S, Marc J, Reppe S, Søe K, Karasik D

Bone quality analysis of jaw bones in individuals with type 2 diabetes mellitus-post mortem anatomical and microstructural evaluation
Rodic T, Wölfel E, Milovanovic P, Fiedler I, Cvetkovic D, Jähn K, Amling M, Sopta J, Nikolic S, Zivkovic V, Busse B, Djuric M
CLIN ORAL INVEST. 2021;25(7):4377-4400.

High-throughput lossy-to-lossless 3D image compression
Rossinelli D, Fourestey G, Schmidt F, Busse B, Kurtcuoglu V
IEEE T MED IMAGING. 2021;40(2):607-620.

Loss of glucocorticoid rhythm induces an osteoporotic phenotype in female mice
Schilperoort M, Kroon J, Kooijman S, Smit A, Gentenaar M, Mletzko K, Schmidt F, van Ruijven L, Busse B, Pereira A, Appelman-Dijkstra N, Bravenboer N, Rensen P, Meijer O, Winter E
AGING CELL. 2021;20(10):.

Collagen Fiber Orientation Is Coupled with Specific Nano-Compositional Patterns in Dark and Bright Osteons Modulating Their Biomechanical Properties
Stockhausen K, Qwamizadeh M, Wölfel E, Hemmatian H, Fiedler I, Flenner S, Longo E, Amling M, Greving I, Ritchie R, Schmidt F, Busse B
ACS NANO. 2021;15(1):455-467.

Variability in stem taper surface topography affects the degree of corrosion and fretting in total hip arthroplasty
Stockhausen K, Riedel C, Belinski A, Rothe D, Gehrke T, Klebig F, Gebauer M, Amling M, Citak M, Busse B
SCI REP-UK. 2021;11(1):9348.

The WNT1G177C mutation specifically affects skeletal integrity in a mouse model of osteogenesis imperfecta type XV
Vollersen N, Zhao W, Rolvien T, Lange F, Schmidt F, Sonntag S, Shmerling D, von Kroge S, Stockhausen K, Sharaf A, Schweizer M, Karsak M, Busse B, Bockamp E, Semler O, Amling M, Oheim R, Schinke T, Yorgan T
BONE RES. 2021;9(1):48.

Bone loss recovery in mice following microgravity with concurrent bone-compartment-specific osteocyte characteristics
von Kroge S, Wölfel E, Buravkova L, Atiakshin D, Markina E, Schinke T, Rolvien T, Busse B, Jähn-Rickert K
EUR CELLS MATER. 2021;42:220-231.

Decreased Trabecular Bone Mass in Col22a1-Deficient Mice
Zhao W, Wiedemann P, Wölfel E, Neven M, Peters S, Imhof T, Koch M, Busse B, Amling M, Schinke T, Yorgan T
CELLS-BASEL. 2021;10(11):.

Breaking new ground in mineralized tissue: Assessing tissue quality in clinical and laboratory studies
Zimmermann E, Fiedler I, Busse B

Topographical mapping of the mechanical characteristics of the human neurocranium considering the role of individual layers
Zwirner J, Safavi S, Scholze M, Li K, Waddell J, Busse B, Ondruschka B, Hammer N
SCI REP-UK. 2021;11(1):.


Zebrafish: An Emerging Model for Orthopedic Research
Busse B, Galloway J, Gray R, Harris M, Kwon R
J ORTHOP RES. 2020;38(5):925-936.

Warmth Prevents Bone Loss Through the Gut Microbiota
Chevalier C, Kieser S, Çolakoğlu M, Hadadi N, Brun J, Rigo D, Suárez-Zamorano N, Spiljar M, Fabbiano S, Busse B, Ivanišević J, Macpherson A, Bonnet N, Trajkovski M
CELL METAB. 2020;32(4):575-590.e7.

More Bone with Less Minerals? The Effects of Dietary Phosphorus on the Post-Cranial Skeleton in Zebrafish
Cotti S, Huysseune A, Koppe W, Rücklin M, Marone F, Wölfel E, Fiedler I, Busse B, Forlino A, Witten P
INT J MOL SCI. 2020;21(15):.

Fgfr3 Is a Positive Regulator of Osteoblast Expansion and Differentiation During Zebrafish Skull Vault Development
Dambroise E, Ktorza I, Brombin A, Abdessalem G, Edouard J, Luka M, Fiedler I, Binder O, Pelle O, Patton E, Busse B, Menager M, Sohm F, Legeai-Mallet L
J BONE MINER RES. 2020;35(9):1782-1797.

Elevated Bone Hardness Under Denosumab Treatment, With Persisting Lower Osteocyte Viability During Discontinuation
Jähn-Rickert K, Wölfel E, Jobke B, Riedel C, Hellmich M, Werner M, McDonald M, Busse B
FRONT ENDOCRINOL. 2020;11:250.

Disruption of the hepcidin/ferroportin regulatory circuitry causes low axial bone mass in mice
Ledesma-Colunga M, Baschant U, Fiedler I, Busse B, Hofbauer L, Muckenthaler M, Altamura S, Rauner M
BONE. 2020;137:115400.

Phenomenon of osteocyte lacunar mineralization: indicator of former osteocyte death and a novel marker of impaired bone quality?
Milovanovic P, Busse B
ENDOCR CONNECT. 2020;9(4):R70-R80.

Human Heterozygous ENPP1 Deficiency Is Associated With Early Onset Osteoporosis, a Phenotype Recapitulated in a Mouse Model of Enpp1 Deficiency
Oheim R, Zimmerman K, Maulding N, Stürznickel J, von Kroge S, Kavanagh D, Stabach P, Kornak U, Tommasini S, Horowitz M, Amling M, Thompson D, Schinke T, Busse B, Carpenter T, Braddock D
J BONE MINER RES. 2020;35(3):528-539.

Multiscale bone quality analysis in osteoarthritic knee joints reveal a role of the mechanosensory osteocyte network in osteophytes
Rabelo G, Vom Scheidt A, Klebig F, Hemmatian H, Citak M, Amling M, Busse B, Jähn K
SCI REP-UK. 2020;10(1):673.

Long-term immobilization in elderly females causes a specific pattern of cortical bone and osteocyte deterioration different from postmenopausal osteoporosis
Rolvien T, Milovanovic P, Schmidt F, von Kroge S, Wölfel E, Krause M, Wulff B, Püschel K, Ritchie R, Amling M, Busse B
J BONE MINER RES. 2020;35(7):1343-1351.

Circadian disruption by shifting the light-dark cycle negatively affects bone health in mice
Schilperoort M, Bravenboer N, Lim J, Mletzko K, Busse B, van Ruijven L, Kroon J, Rensen P, Kooijman S, Winter E
FASEB J. 2020;34(1):1052-1064.

Multimodal X-ray imaging of nanocontainer-treated macrophages and calcium distribution in the perilacunar bone matrix
Stachnik K, Warmer M, Mohacsi I, Hennicke V, Fischer P, Meyer J, Spitzbart T, Barthelmess M, Eich J, David C, Feldmann C, Busse B, Jähn K, Schaible U, Meents A
SCI REP-UK. 2020;10(1):1784.

Crtap and p3h1 knock out zebrafish support defective collagen chaperoning as the cause of their osteogenesis imperfecta phenotype
Tonelli F, Cotti S, Leoni L, Besio R, Gioia R, Marchese L, Giorgetti S, Villani S, Gistelinck C, Wagener R, Kobbe B, Fiedler I, Larionova D, Busse B, Eyre D, Rossi A, Witten P, Forlino A
MATRIX BIOL. 2020;90:40-60.

A clinical perspective on advanced developments in bone biopsy assessment in rare bone disorders
Treurniet S, Eekhoff E, Schmidt F, Micha D, Busse B, Bravenboer N

Numerical study of crack initiation and growth in human cortical bone: Effect of micro-morphology
Wang M, Li S, Scheidt A, Qwamizadeh M, Busse B, Silberschmidt V
ENG FRACT MECH. 2020;232:.

Sklerostin des Osteozyten-von der Expression zur klinischen Anwendung
Wölfel E, Busse B, Jähn K
OSTEOLOGIE. 2020;29(1):14-20.

Individuals with type 2 diabetes mellitus show dimorphic and heterogeneous patterns of loss in femoral bone quality
Wölfel E, Jähn-Rickert K, Schmidt F, Wulff B, Mushumba H, Sroga G, Püschel K, Milovanovic P, Amling M, Campbell G, Vashishth D, Busse B
BONE. 2020;140:115556.


Inter-site Variability of the Human Osteocyte Lacunar Network: Implications for Bone Quality
Milovanovic P, Busse B
CURR OSTEOPOROS REP. 2019;17(3):105-115.

Recovery of bone mineralization and quality during asfotase alfa treatment in an adult patient with infantile-onset hypophosphatasia
Rolvien T, Schmidt T, Schmidt F, von Kroge S, Busse B, Amling M, Barvencik F
BONE. 2019;127:67-74.

On the Origins of Fracture Toughness in Advanced Teleosts: How the Swordfish Sword's Bone Structure and Composition Allow for Slashing under Water to Kill or Stun Prey
Schmidt F, Zimmermann E, Walsh F, Plumeyer C, Schaible E, Fiedler I, Milovanovic P, Rößle M, Amling M, Blanchet C, Gludovatz B, Ritchie R, Busse B
ADV SCI. 2019;6(12):1900287.

Subregional areal bone mineral density (aBMD) is a better predictor of heterogeneity in trabecular microstructure of vertebrae in young and aged women than subregional trabecular bone score (TBS)
Vom Scheidt A, Grisolia Seifert E, Pokrant C, Püschel K, Amling M, Busse B, Milovanovic P
BONE. 2019;122:156-165.

Bisphosphonate treatment changes regional distribution of trabecular microstructure in human lumbar vertebrae
Vom Scheidt A, Hemmatian H, Püschel K, Krause M, Amling M, Busse B
BONE. 2019;127(127):482-487.

Collagen Fibril Plasticity is altered in Individuals with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus and non-osteoporotic Bone Mineral Density
Woelfel E, Siebels A, Ma L, vom Scheidt A, Schmidt F, Amling M, Jaehn K, Busse B, Zimmermann E, Wulff B, Mushumba H, Püschel K, Schaible E
J BONE MINER RES. 2019;34(Suppl 1):.

Mechanical Competence and Bone Quality Develop During Skeletal Growth
Zimmermann E, Riedel C, Schmidt F, Stockhausen K, Chushkin Y, Schaible E, Gludovatz B, Vettorazzi E, Zontone F, Püschel K, Amling M, Ritchie R, Busse B
J BONE MINER RES. 2019;34(8):1461-1472.


Impaired proteoglycan glycosylation, elevated TGF-β signaling, and abnormal osteoblast differentiation as the basis for bone fragility in a mouse model for gerodermia osteodysplastica
Chan W, Steiner M, Witkos T, Egerer J, Busse B, Mizumoto S, Pestka J, Zhang H, Hausser I, Khayal L, Ott C, Kolanczyk M, Willie B, Schinke T, Paganini C, Rossi A, Sugahara K, Amling M, Knaus P, Chan D, Lowe M, Mundlos S, Kornak U
PLOS GENET. 2018;14(3):e1007242.

Effect of short-term formaldehyde fixation on Raman spectral parameters of bone quality
Fiedler I, Casanova M, Keplinger T, Busse B, Müller R
J BIOMED OPT. 2018;23(11):116504.

Severely Impaired Bone Material Quality in Chihuahua Zebrafish Resembles Classical Dominant Human Osteogenesis Imperfecta
Fiedler I, Schmidt F, Wölfel E, Plumeyer C, Milovanovic P, Gioia R, Tonelli F, Bale H, Jähn K, Besio R, Forlino A, Busse B
J BONE MINER RES. 2018;33(8):1489-1499.

Conditional mouse models support the role of SLC39A14 (ZIP14) in Hyperostosis Cranialis Interna and in bone homeostasis
Hendrickx G, Borra V, Steenackers E, Yorgan T, Hermans C, Boudin E, Waterval J, Jansen I, Aydemir T, Kamerling N, Behets G, Plumeyer C, D'Haese P, Busse B, Everts V, Lammens M, Mortier G, Cousins R, Schinke T, Stokroos R, Manni J, Van Hul W
PLOS GENET. 2018;14(4):e1007321.

Perturbed bone composition and integrity with disorganized osteoblast function in zinc receptor/Gpr39-deficient mice
Jovanovic M, Schmidt F, Guterman-Ram G, Khayyeri H, Hiram-Bab S, Orenbuch A, Katchkovsky S, Aflalo A, Isaksson H, Busse B, Jähn K, Levaot N
FASEB J. 2018;32(5):2507-2518.

Bone tissue aging affects mineralization of cement lines
Milovanovic P, Vom Scheidt A, Mletzko K, Sarau G, Püschel K, Djuric M, Amling M, Christiansen S, Busse B
BONE. 2018;110:187-193.

Thy-1 (CD90) promotes bone formation and protects against obesity
Picke A, Campbell G, Blüher M, Krügel U, Schmidt F, Tsourdi E, Winzer M, Rauner M, Vukicevic V, Busse B, Salbach-Hirsch J, Tuckermann J, Simon J, Anderegg U, Hofbauer L, Saalbach A
SCI TRANSL MED. 2018;10(453):eaao6806 .

Thy-1 Deficiency Augments Bone Loss in Obesity by Affecting Bone Formation and Resorption
Picke A, Campbell G, Schmidt F, Busse B, Rauner M, Simon J, Anderegg U, Hofbauer L, Saalbach A
FRONT CELL DEV BIOL. 2018;6:127.

Differential effects of high-fat diet and exercise training on bone and energy metabolism
Picke A, Sylow L, Møller L, Kjøbsted R, Schmidt F, Steejn M, Salbach-Hirsch J, Hofbauer C, Blüher M, Saalbach A, Busse B, Rauner M, Hofbauer L
BONE. 2018;116:120-134.

Early bone tissue aging in human auditory ossicles is accompanied by excessive hypermineralization, osteocyte death and micropetrosis
Rolvien T, Schmidt F, Milovanovic P, Jähn K, Riedel C, Butscheidt S, Püschel K, Jeschke A, Amling M, Busse B
SCI REP-UK. 2018;8(1):1920.

Comparison of Bone Microarchitecture Between Adult Osteogenesis Imperfecta and Early-Onset Osteoporosis
Rolvien T, Stürznickel J, Schmidt F, Butscheidt S, Schmidt T, Busse B, Mundlos S, Schinke T, Kornak U, Amling M, Oheim R
CALCIFIED TISSUE INT. 2018;103(5):512-521.

Inter-site variability of the osteocyte lacunar network in the cortical bone underpins fracture susceptibility of the superolateral femoral neck
Rolvien T, Vom Scheidt A, Stockhausen K, Milovanovic P, Djonic D, Hubert J, Hawellek T, Wacker A, Jebens V, Püschel K, Zimmermann E, Djuric M, Amling M, Busse B
BONE. 2018;112:187-193.

Ultra-high matrix mineralization of sperm whale auditory ossicles facilitates high sound pressure and high-frequency underwater hearing
Schmidt F, Delsmann , Mletzko K, Yorgan T, Hahn M, Siebert U, Busse B, Oheim R, Amling M, Rolvien T
P ROY SOC B-BIOL SCI. 2018;285(1893):20181820.

Increased mechanical loading through controlled swimming exercise induces bone formation and mineralization in adult zebrafish
Suniaga S, Rolvien T, Vom Scheidt A, Fiedler I, Bale H, Huysseune A, Witten P, Amling M, Busse B
SCI REP-UK. 2018;8(1):3646.

Physiological and pathological osteocyte osteolysis
Tsourdi E, Jähn K, Rauner M, Busse B, Bonewald L
J MUSCULOSKEL NEURON. 2018;18(3):292-303.

Physiological and pathological osteocytic osteolysis
Tsourdi E, Jähn K, Rauner M, Busse B, Bonewald L
J MUSCULOSKEL NEURON. 2018;18(3):292-303.

Individuals afflicted with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus show lower femoral endocortical Sclerostin expression along with higher fluorescent advanced glycation endproducts
Wölfel E, Jähn-Rickert K, Milovanovic P, Sroga G, Wulff B, Mushumba H, Püschel K, Amling M, Vashishth D, Busse B
J BONE MINER RES. 2018;2019(32):.


Calcium and vitamin-D deficiency marginally impairs fracture healing but aggravates posttraumatic bone loss in osteoporotic mice
Fischer V, Haffner-Luntzer M, Prystaz K, Scheidt A, Busse B, Schinke T, Amling M, Ignatius A
SCI REP-UK. 2017;7(1):Art. 7223.

Cobalt deposition in mineralized bone tissue after metal-on-metal hip resurfacing: Quantitative μ-X-ray-fluorescence analysis of implant material incorporation in periprosthetic tissue
Hahn M, Busse B, Procop M, Zustin J, Amling M, Katzer A
J BIOMED MATER RES B. 2017;105(7):1855-1862.

Association between regional heterogeneity in the mid-facial bone micro-architecture and increased fragility along Le Fort lines
Janovic A, Milovanovic P, Hahn M, Rakocevic Z, Amling M, Busse B, Dimitrijevic M, Djuric M
DENT TRAUMATOL. 2017;33(4):300-306.

Atypical fracture with long-term bisphosphonate therapy is associated with altered cortical composition and reduced fracture resistance
Lloyd A, Gludovatz B, Riedel C, Luengo E, Saiyed R, Marty E, Lorich D, Lane J, Ritchie R, Busse B, Donnelly E
P NATL ACAD SCI USA. 2017;114(33):8722-8727.

Region-dependent patterns of trabecular bone growth in the human proximal femur: A study of 3D bone microarchitecture from early postnatal to late childhood period
Milovanovic P, Djonic D, Hahn M, Amling M, Busse B, Djuric M
AM J PHYS ANTHROPOL. 2017;164(2):281-291.

The Formation of Calcified Nanospherites during Micropetrosis Represents a Unique Mineralization Mechanism in Aged Human Bone
Milovanovic P, Zimmermann E, vom Scheidt A, Hoffmann B, Sarau G, Yorgan T, Schweizer M, Amling M, Christiansen S, Busse B
SMALL. 2017;13(3):n/a-n/a.

The incorporation of fluoride and strontium in hydroxyapatite affects the composition, structure, and mechanical properties of human cortical bone
Riedel C, Zimmermann E, Zustin J, Niecke M, Amling M, Grynpas M, Busse B
J BIOMED MATER RES A. 2017;105(2):433-442.

ß-TCP bone substitutes in tibial plateau depression fractures
Rolvien T, Barvencik F, Klatte T, Busse B, Hahn M, Rueger J, Rupprecht M
KNEE. 2017;24(5):1138-1145.

Vertebral bone microarchitecture and osteocyte characteristics of three toothed whale species with varying diving behaviour
Rolvien T, Hahn M, Siebert U, Püschel K, Wilke H, Busse B, Amling M, Oheim R
SCI REP-UK. 2017;7(1):1604.

Vitamin D regulates osteocyte survival and perilacunar remodeling in human and murine bone
Rolvien T, Krause M, Jeschke A, Yorgan T, Püschel K, Schinke T, Busse B, Demay M, Amling M
BONE. 2017;103:78-87.

Assessment of collagen quality associated with non-enzymatic cross-links in human bone using Fourier-transform infrared imaging
Schmidt F, Zimmermann E, Campbell G, Sroga G, Püschel K, Amling M, Tang S, Vashishth D, Busse B
BONE. 2017;97:243-251.


Application of reference point indentation for micro-mechanical surface characterization of calcium silicate based dental materials
Antonijevic D, Milovanovic P, Riedel C, Hahn M, Amling M, Busse B, Djurić M

The assessment of adipocere to estimate the post-mortem interval - a skeleton from the tidelands
Jopp-van Well E, Augustin C, Busse B, Fuhrmann A, Hahn M, Tsokos M, Verhoff M, Schulz F
ANTHROPOL ANZ. 2016;73(3):235-247.

Zellulärer vs. azellulärer Knochen Eine Übersicht mit Hauptaugenmerk auf Echten Knochenfischen (Teleostei)
Rolvien T, Busse B
OSTEOLOGIE. 2016;25(2):77-82.

How the European eel (Anguilla anguilla) loses its skeletal framework across lifetime
Rolvien T, Nagel F, Milovanovic P, Wuertz S, Marshall R, Jeschke A, Schmidt F, Hahn M, Witten P, Amling M, Busse B
P ROY SOC B-BIOL SCI. 2016;283(1841):pii: 20161550.

Assessment of changes in collagen associated with advanced glycation end-products in human bone using vibrational spectroscopy
Schmidt F, Zimmermann E, Puschel K, Amling M, Vashishth D, Tang S, Busse B
2016. Bone Abstracts. P33.

Chronic skin inflammation leads to bone loss by IL-17-mediated inhibition of Wnt signaling in osteoblasts
Uluçkan Ö, Jimenez M, Karbach S, Jeschke A, Graña O, Keller J, Busse B, Croxford A, Finzel S, Koenders M, van den Berg W, Schinke T, Amling M, Waisman A, Schett G, Wagner E
SCI TRANSL MED. 2016;8(330):330ra37.

Eigenschaften des Osteozytennetzwerks in gesundem und erkranktem Knochen
Vom Scheidt A, Busse B
OSTEOLOGIE. 2016;25(2):69-76.

Osteoblast-specific Notch2 inactivation causes increased trabecular bone mass at specific sites of the appendicular skeleton
Yorgan T, Vollersen N, Riedel C, Jeschke A, Peters S, Busse B, Amling M, Schinke T
BONE. 2016;87:136-46.

Intrinsic mechanical behavior of femoral cortical bone in young, osteoporotic and bisphosphonate-treated individuals in low- and high energy fracture conditions
Zimmermann E, Schaible E, Gludovatz B, Schmidt F, Riedel C, Krause M, Vettorazzi E, Acevedo C, Hahn M, Püschel K, Tang S, Amling M, Ritchie R, Busse B
SCI REP-UK. 2016;6:21072.


Alendronate treatment alters bone tissues at multiple structural levels in healthy canine cortical bone
Acevedo C, Bale H, Gludovatz B, Wat A, Tang S, Wang M, Busse B, Zimmermann E, Schaible E, Allen M, Burr D, Ritchie R
BONE. 2015;81:352-363.

Addition of a Fluoride-containing Radiopacifier Improves Micromechanical and Biological Characteristics of Modified Calcium Silicate Cements
Antonijevic D, Jeschke A, Colovic B, Milovanovic P, Jevremovic D, Kisic D, Scheidt A, Hahn M, Amling M, Jokanovic V, Busse B, Djuric M
J ENDODONT. 2015;41(12):2050-2057.

Microstructure and wettability of root canal dentine and root canal filling materials after different chemical irrigation
Antonijevic D, Milovanovic P, Brajkovic D, Ilic D, Hahn M, Amling M, Rakocevic Z, Djuric M, Busse B
APPL SURF SCI. 2015;355:369-378.

Bone microarchitecture at muscle attachment sites: The relationship between macroscopic scores of entheses and their cortical and trabecular microstructural design
Djukic K, Milovanovic P, Hahn M, Busse B, Amling M, Djuric M
AM J PHYS ANTHROPOL. 2015;157(1):81-93.

Impaired bone remodeling and its correction by combination therapy in a mouse model of mucopolysaccharidosis-I
Kühn S, Koehne T, Cornils K, Markmann S, Riedel C, Pestka J, Schweizer M, Baldauf C, Yorgan T, Krause M, Keller J, Neven M, Breyer S, Stücker R, Muschol N, Busse B, Braulke T, Fehse B, Amling M, Schinke T
HUM MOL GENET. 2015;24(24):7075-7086.

Age- and Sex-Specific Bone Structure Patterns Portend Bone Fragility in Radii and Tibiae in Relation to Osteodensitometry: A High-Resolution Peripheral Quantitative Computed Tomography Study in 385 Individuals
Milovanovic P, Adamu U, Simon M, Rolvien T, Djuric M, Amling M, Busse B
J GERONTOL A-BIOL. 2015;70(10):1269-75.

Multi-level characterization of human femoral cortices and their underlying osteocyte network reveal trends in quality of young, aged, osteoporotic and antiresorptive-treated bone
Milovanovic P, Zimmermann E, Riedel C, Scheidt A, Herzog L, Krause M, Djonic D, Djuric M, Püschel K, Amling M, Ritchie R, Busse B
BIOMATERIALS. 2015;45:46-55.

The fracture mechanics of human bone: influence of disease and treatment
Zimmermann E, Busse B, Ritchie R
Bonekey Rep. 2015;4:743.

Modifications to nano- and microstructural quality and the effects on mechanical integrity in Paget's disease of bone
Zimmermann E, Köhne T, Bale H, Panganiban B, Gludovatz B, Zustin J, Hahn M, Amling M, Ritchie R, Busse B
J BONE MINER RES. 2015;30(2):264-73.


Altered lacunar and vascular porosity in osteogenesis imperfecta mouse bone as revealed by synchrotron tomography contributes to bone fragility
Carriero A, Doube M, Vogt M, Busse B, Zustin J, Levchuk A, Schneider P, Müller R, Shefelbine S
BONE. 2014;61:116-24.

How tough is brittle bone? Investigating osteogenesis imperfecta in mouse bone
Carriero A, Zimmermann E, Paluszny A, Tang S, Bale H, Busse B, Alliston T, Kazakia G, Ritchie R, Shefelbine S
J BONE MINER RES. 2014;29(6):1392-1401.

Microstructural properties of the mid-facial bones in relation to the distribution of occlusal loading
Janovic A, Milovanovic P, Saveljic I, Nikolic D, Hahn M, Rakocevic Z, Filipovic N, Amling M, Busse B, Djuric M
BONE. 2014;68:108-14.

Bisphosphonate-osteoclasts: changes in osteoclast morphology and function induced by antiresorptive nitrogen-containing bisphosphonate treatment in osteoporosis patients
Jobke B, Milovanovic P, Amling M, Busse B
BONE. 2014;59:37-43.

Trends in trabecular architecture and bone mineral density distribution in 152 individuals aged 30-90 years
Koehne T, Vettorazzi E, Küsters N, Lüneburg R, Kahl-Nieke B, Püschel K, Amling M, Busse B
BONE. 2014.

Effects of long-term alendronate treatment on bone mineralisation, resorption parameters and biomechanics of single human vertebral trabeculae
Krause M, Soltau M, Zimmermann E, Hahn M, Kornet J, Hapfelmeier A, Breer S, Morlock M, Wulff B, Püschel K, Glueer C, Amling M, Busse B
EUR CELLS MATER. 2014;28:152-165.

Nano-structural, compositional and micro-architectural signs of cortical bone fragility at the superolateral femoral neck in elderly hip fracture patients vs. healthy aged controls
Milovanovic P, Rakocevic Z, Djonic D, Zivkovic V, Hahn M, Nikolic S, Amling M, Busse B, Djuric M
EXP GERONTOL. 2014;55:19-28.

High fluoride and low calcium levels in drinking water is associated with low bone mass, reduced bone quality and fragility fractures in sheep
Simon M, Beil F, Ruther W, Busse B, Koehne T, Steiner M, Pogoda P, Ignatius A, Amling M, Oheim R
OSTEOPOROSIS INT. 2014;25(7):1891-1903.

Fracture resistance of human cortical bone across multiple length-scales at physiological strain rates
Zimmermann E, Gludovatz B, Schaible E, Busse B, Ritchie R
BIOMATERIALS. 2014;35(21):5472-5481.


Micro-morphological properties of osteons reveal changes in cortical bone stability during aging, osteoporosis, and bisphosphonate treatment in women
Bernhard A, Milovanovic P, Zimmermann E, Hahn M, Djonic D, Krause M, Breer S, Püschel K, Djuric M, Amling M, Busse B
OSTEOPOROSIS INT. 2013;24(10):2671-80.

Vitamin D deficiency induces early signs of aging in human bone, increasing the risk of fracture
Busse B, Bale H, Zimmermann E, Panganiban B, Barth H, Carriero A, Vettorazzi E, Zustin J, Hahn M, Ager J, Püschel K, Amling M, Ritchie R
SCI TRANSL MED. 2013;5(193):193ra88.

Osteocytic canalicular Networks: morphological implications for altered mechanosensitivity
Milovanovic P, Zimmermann E, Hahn M, Djonic D, Püschel K, Djuric M, Amling M, Busse B
ACS NANO. 2013;7(9):7542-51.

Impaired bone mineralization accompanied by low vitamin D and secondary hyperparathyroidism in patients with femoral neck fracture.
Seitz S, Koehne T, Ries C, Novo De Oliveira A, Barvencik F, Busse B, zu Eulenburg C, Schinke T, Püschel K, Rueger J, Amling M, Pogoda P
OSTEOPOROSIS INT. 2013;24(2):641-649.

Scaling of Haversian canal surface area to secondary osteon bone volume in ribs and limb bones
Skedros J, Knight A, Clark G, Crowder C, Dominguez V, Qiu S, Mulhern D, Donahue S, Busse B, Hulsey B, Zedda M, Sorenson S
AM J PHYS ANTHROPOL. 2013;151(2):230-44.


Analysis of retrieved hip resurfacing arthroplasties reveals the interrelationship between interface hyperosteoidosis and demineralization of viable bone trabeculae.
Breer S, Krause M, Busse B, Hahn M, Rüther W, Morlock M, Amling M, Zustin J
J ORTHOP RES. 2012;30(7):1155-1161.

Divergent resorbability and effects on osteoclast formation of commonly used bone substitutes in a human in vitro-assay.
Keller J, Brink S, Busse B, Schilling A, Schinke T, Amling M, Lange T
PLOS ONE. 2012;7(10):46757.

Changes to the cell, tissue and architecture levels in cranial suture synostosis reveal a problem of timing in bone development.
Regelsberger J, Milovanovic P, Schmidt T, Hahn M, Zimmermann E, Tsokos M, Zustin J, Ritchie R, Amling M, Busse B
EUR CELLS MATER. 2012;24:441-458.

Accelerated growth plate mineralization and foreshortened proximal limb bones in fetuin-A knockout mice
Seto J, Busse B, Gupta H, Schäfer C, Krauss S, Dunlop J, Masic A, Kerschnitzki M, Zaslansky P, Boesecke P, Catalá-Lehnen P, Schinke T, Fratzl P, Jahnen-Dechent W
PLOS ONE. 2012;7(10):e47338.


Skeletal mineralization defects in adult hypophosphatasia-a clinical and histological analysis.
Barvencik F, Beil F, Gebauer M, Busse B, Köhne T, Seitz S, Zustin J, Pogoda P, Schinke T, Amling M
OSTEOPOROSIS INT. 2011;22(10):2667-2675.

Trabecular reorganization in consecutive iliac crest biopsies when switching from bisphosphonate to strontium ranelate treatment.
Jobke B, Burghardt A, Muche B, Hahn M, Semler J, Amling M, Majumdar S, Busse B
PLOS ONE. 2011;6(8):23638.

Age-related changes in the plasticity and toughness of human cortical bone at multiple length scales
Zimmermann E, Schaible E, Bale H, Barth H, Tang S, Reichert P, Busse B, Alliston T, Ager J, Ritchie R
P NATL ACAD SCI USA. 2011;108(35):14416-21.


Decrease in the osteocyte lacunar density accompanied by hypermineralized lacunar occlusion reveals failure and delay of remodeling in aged human bone.
Busse B, Djonic D, Milovanovic P, Hahn M, Püschel K, Ritchie R, Djuric M, Amling M
AGING CELL. 2010;9(6):1065-1075.

Reorganization of the femoral cortex due to age-, sex-, and endoprosthetic-related effects emphasized by osteonal dimensions and remodeling.
Busse B, Hahn M, Schinke T, Püschel K, Duda G, Amling M
J BIOMED MATER RES A. 2010;92(4):1440-1451.

Synchrotron-microcomputed tomography studies of normal and pathological cranial sutures: further insight.
Regelsberger J, Schmidt T, Busse B, Herzen J, Tsokos M, Amling M, Beckmann F
J NEUROSURG-PEDIATR. 2010;5(3):238-242.

Negative regulation of bone formation by the transmembrane Wnt antagonist Kremen-2.
Schulze J, Seitz S, Saito H, Schneebauer M, Marshall R, Baranowsky A, Busse B, Schilling A, Friedrich F, Albers J, Spiro A, Zustin J, Streichert T, Ellwanger K, Niehrs C, Amling M, Baron R, Schinke T
PLOS ONE. 2010;5(4):10309.

High bone turnover and accumulation of osteoid in patients with neurofibromatosis 1.
Seitz S, Schnabel C, Busse B, Schmidt H, Beil F, Friedrich R, Schinke T, Mautner V, Amling M
OSTEOPOROSIS INT. 2010;21(1):119-127.


Increased calcium content and inhomogeneity of mineralization render bone toughness in osteoporosis: mineralization, morphology and biomechanics of human single trabeculae.
Busse B, Hahn M, Soltau M, Zustin J, Püschel K, Duda G, Amling M
BONE. 2009;45(6):1034-1043.


Allocation of nonbirefringent wear debris: darkfield illumination associated with PIXE microanalysis reveals cobalt deposition in mineralized bone matrix adjacent to CoCr implants.
Busse B, Hahn M, Niecke M, Jobke B, Püschel K, Delling G, Katzer A
J BIOMED MATER RES A. 2008;87(2):536-545.


Polyethylen-Abrieb: Ursache oder Folge einer Endoprothesenlockerung? Untersuchungen an festen und gelockerten Hüftendoprothesen
Busse B, Niecke M, Püschel K, Delling G, Katzer A, Hahn M
Z ORTHOP UNFALLCHIR. 2007;145(4):452-60.

[Polyethylene abrasion: cause or consequence of an endoprosthesis loosening? Investigations of firm and loosened hip implants]
Busse B, Niecke M, Püschel K, Delling G, Katzer A, Hahn M
Z ORTHOP UNFALLCHIR. 2007;145(4):452-460.


[Fluorosis--a forgotten entity. Case report of a woman with coxarthrosis and newly diagnosed fluorosis].
Busse B, Jobke B, Werner M, Fuerst M, Rüther W, Delling G
PATHOLOGE. 2006;27(1):73-79.

Fluoridosteopathie--eine vergessene Entität. Gleichzeitiges Auftreten von Coxarthrose und bis dahin unbekannter Fluoridosteopathie bei einer 73-jährigen Patientin
Busse B, Jobke B, Werner M, Fürst M, Ruther W, Delling G
PATHOLOGE. 2006;27(1):73-9.

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Name: Foster Heidenreich CPA

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